Monday, March 31, 2014

Mrs. Dolezal's Link

Let the students choose whatever Math activity they want on
TLW compare and order numbers.
TLW review Math and Language Arts using the Scholastic site below.

TLW watch a brainpop movie about probability.
Let the students choose whatever Math activity they want on
TLW compare and order numbers.
TLW review Math and Language Arts using the Scholastic site below.

 4th Grade

TLW visit Ellis Island virtually using a Scholastic site. 



Friday, March 21, 2014

2nd Grade
TLW watch a brainpop movie about probability.
Let the students choose whatever Math activity they want on
TLW compare and order numbers.

3rd Grade

TLW review Math and Language Arts using the Scholastic site below.

4th Grade

TLW visit Ellis Island virtually using a Scholastic site.